HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you had a wonderful end to 2014 and a happy New Year’s celebration — and that 2015 is already starting off great for you!
So, it’s that time of year again: time to turn over a new calendar page, turn over a new leaf, and make your New Year’s resolutions.
(Or not.)
When you think of New Year’s resolutions, do you think, “Yay!” — or do you think, “Ugh!”. Or do you start off thinking, “Yay!” (in January) and end up thinking “Ugh!” (by February, if not sooner).
If you’ve ever gotten excited about a New Year’s resolution — a plan to join a gym, work out regularly, eat better, or start (and stick to) any other new habit — only to lose steam within a month or so, don’t worry — you’re not alone! This seems to be a near-universal phenomenon.
But why is this? Why do so many noble and worthwhile goals start off from a place of enthusiastic inspiration and end up as onerous (and often neglected) chores?
Because so many resolutions are “upstream”!
That is, they fight the current of your natural tendencies and proclivities. They fight the current of universal laws. Or they’re too much of a stretch, too specific, or simply not fun!
So does this mean that we should just abandon our hopes, dreams, and goals?
Not at all! But I would just recommend an alternative to the typically upstream approach of New Year’s resolutions: NEW YEAR’S MANIFESTATIONS!
What are New Year’s Manifestations — and how are they different from resolutions?
Well, for starters, here’s what New Year’s manifestations are NOT about:
- They’re NOT about making a long list of resolutions…trying to FORCE yourself to do things you don’t enjoy.
- They’re NOT about willpower…trying to DENY yourself the things you truly want.
- They’re NOT about struggle…trying to reach your goals through sheer determination, extreme EFFORT, or superhuman strength.
- They’re NOT about the no pain, no gain approach to life…struggling toward (alleged) joy with gritted teeth, straining muscles, and bulging veins!
- And they’re NOT about being miserable in the moment…trying to bring about some FUTURE reward that makes all your present suffering worthwhile.
They are about feeling good now, feeling good when you reach your goals, and feeling good every step of the way!
But how do you do this? What’s the manifestation process?
You may have already learned about (or used) various approaches to manifestation, but I’d like to offer three of my favorites from the Abraham-Hicks teachings…which you can use for the new year or whenever you’d like! One of them uses three steps, another uses two steps, and the last uses just one!
Three-Step Manifestation
This is an easy one to remember because all three steps start with A: Ask, Answer, Allow. It’s also an easy one to follow, because two out of the three steps happen naturally!
Asking is what you do every time you feel a desire, develop a preference, or literally ask (others or the Universe) for something you want. Most of the time you don’t even have to consciously think about this step!
Answering is the job of the Universe and Law of Attraction. Again, you don’t even have to think about this part. Which means that the only thing you really have to do in this process is…
Allowing…which is actually more of a “not-do” because you pretty much just have to release resistance to not-receiving…perhaps by focusing on that which you desire rather than the undesirable circumstance that you’re trying to change.
In a word: receive!
(Now isn’t that easier than gritting your teeth and sticking to a torturous resolution for the next 365 days? But, as easy as this three-step process might sound — and be — there’s actually an approach that’s even easier!)
Two-Step Manifestation
If three steps sounds like more than you’d like to keep track of (especially when two steps happen automatically/unconsciously), you might prefer this two-step approach:
- Feel good.
- Notice the good things and experiences that flow into your life.
Yes, it can be as easy as that — no need to worry about the how, when, where, or any other specifics, which can get a bit stressful when you don’t know all the answers. And after all, the specifics are usually just a means to an end: the goal of feeling good!
But believe it or not, there’s another approach to manifestation that’s even simpler…
One-Step Manifestation
This process is so straightforward that it can be summarized in a single word:
Yes, that’s all there is to it. Align with your Inner Being, your desires, your good feelings, and everything/everyone that augments those good feelings.
You can think of this as becoming a “vibrational match” to your desires, choosing better-feeling thoughts, or simply focusing the majority of your attention on what you want (rather than what you don’t want).
Or, as with the two-step process above, you can simply think of it in terms of feeling good — which, after all, is the goal of any desire, resolution, or manifestation. And while external manifestations can take a while, better feelings are available immediately.
Without waiting 365 days!
Happy Manifesting!
No matter what process you use, I hope that the approach of New Year’s manifestations helps to make 2015 your most joyous, abundant, flowing, and wonderful year yet!
P.S. If you’d like a little support with your resolu… er, manifestations over the coming months, this might be a great time for you to check out the Soulful Life Sanctuary — because we’re just starting our group session of The Magic Formula, a course designed to help you manifest anything you want!
If you’re not already a sanctuary member, you can click here to learn more and try it for free — which gives you full access to The Magic Formula and all other ecourses by me and my wife, Jodi Chapman, as well as Soul Guides (experts in Wellness, Self-Care, Abundance, and other areas), discussion groups, live and archived classes, a book club, and much more.
* * * Click here to learn more and check it out for FREE! * * *
(Absolutely no charge and no obligation!)
I hope to see you there! 🙂